The Better Living Center (BLC) Community Development Corporation has been operating since March 2013. Our mission is to enrich the lives of Chester residents through the provision of essential services, bridging the digital divide, and providing information that will empower residents to improve their quality of life.
Inspired by the overwhelming needs in the City of Chester and the call of Jesus Christ to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those who are imprisoned, and to love others as we love ourselves, the Macedonia Seventh-day Adventist Church created the BLC. Over the past decade, the BLC has offered various services to the community, including healthcare screenings, clothing for youth, meals, packaged food, tutoring services, childcare in partnership with the Rocky Run YMCA, and community fairs to unite the community.
The BLC is dedicated to enriching the lives of Chester Community residents. We welcome those who are willing to be supportive partners and volunteers. Our mission is to utilize the generosity granted to our organization to improve our services and the quality of life for the residents in the communities that we serve.
Executive Committee
President: Taesha Mapp
Vice-President: Terry Morton
Secretary: Dr. Erika Dawkins
Treasurer: Charael Davis
Executive Director: Open Role
Remaining Board Members
Church Pastor: Shawn Fordham
Director: Kisha Munn
Director: Matthew Munn
Director: Nina Munn
Director: Tonya Obamoh
Director: Didi Obamoh
Director: Dr. Ellen Stokes
Advisor: Blane Stoddard